Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What You Won't Find on This Blog

I wanted the URL for this blog to be momo< because I love cats, and <3 kind of looks like a pictogram of a heart, which is used in western society to represent love. I also have fewer than three cats, so it works on multiple levels. Unfortunately, blogger didn’t like that. They just don’t appreciate high-brow humor, so the double meaning went right over their heads. They claimed that < can’t be used in URLs. Instead they suggested that I use Morgan [WHAT!?] blog? That’s gross! Hey Blogger, I don't know what gave you that impression, but I’m not into that stuff! Go peddle that smut somewhere else! Perhaps an Ella Fitzgerald blog might sink to that level, but you won’t find any of that here! Instead, I’ll stick with, because I’m Momo, and I blog about cats.

))<>(( forever.

1 comment:

  1. So intelligent.

    We share a fondness for a movie. That's how I came upon you. I'll come back. I'll put a link from my blog so I won't lose you. I need more cat data. Life has been dark of late.
